TCHS Alumni Demonstration Site 
Web Log
Alumnus Says Editing Web Site Amazingly Easy
Create - Creating information is just a matter of copy and paste or choose and send.

Align - Positioning your content requires nothing more than "pushing" components around the page.

Edit - Editing is easy, according to an alumnus.

"I was amazed," the alumnus said.

How easy is it?

To add a news article, the user clicks a link labeled "Add a New Article" on the Blog page of the editing suite ("News") can be any title of the user's choice. A form appears. Pretty easy so far, right?

Now just fill in the fields on the form. They have labels like Title, and Text. If you're reading this and understanding the words, you can build your own site.

Adding graphics is easy, too. First, position a "graphic component" on the page where you want the graphic to lie. Then browse your disk for the picture you want to use and click a button.

Done! The next visitor to the page will see your text and graphic.
Tired of Green, Curious Alumnus Probes Color Control
It was getting a little too leafy for one alumnus, who, not wanting to offend other TCHS survivors, preferred to remain anonymous.

"It's not that I don't love the Green and Gold," she said, "but I needed to express the mauve and chartreuse aspects of my personality and liberate my soul to fly."

Fresh from an appearance on the Dr. Phil Show, our erstwhile alum began to play with her site. Making one change at a time to judge the effect of each new idea, she has worked her way through her background and font colors, played with typefaces and added whimsical graphics.

The work is still in progress. We hope to be able to display the result soon. In the meantime, we've drawn you into reading more about how you can personalize your site from the base you get with your alumni association.