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Literary Communities Use Sitemaker
CIP Sitemaker can be used to unify literary communities in several ways. From a shared blog to a full-scale online magazine, Sitemaker can make it easy for a community to exchange ideas about a favorite author, genre or any other theme. We already support sites focusing on current and past authors. Sites can be designed to connect readers with an author or to discuss the works of an author or school. Support is available for non-English (Western) languages.

Here are just two examples.

Friends of Betty MacDonald
Betty Bard MacDonald (1908-1958) was an American humorist best known for The Egg and I, Onions in the Stew, Anybody Can Do Anything, and several children's books featuring Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle. The site features a discussion forum and several venues for articles of varying formats.
Natasha Friend
Natasha Friend is a young American novelist whose first work, Perfect, tells the story of a teenage girl whose difficult family relationships drive her into the scary world of eating disorders. Now in its third printing, it was received with great critical acclaim and achieved great sales success. The site features an author's web log and several interactive features.