Sitemaker CMS
Sitemaker Updates
Tips for New Bloggers
We've posted some ideas for new bloggers to help new bloggers get started quickly. The tips are a combination of experiences of our users and ourselves.


Verify Guest Book Settings and Posts
We have installed techniques to reduce form spamming in Sitemaker guest books. The GBs also restrict users' ability to post URLs and use objectionable language.

To manage the changes we have set all guest books to require validation of posts by the editor. Editors should sign in and check their guest book settings. You can set the guest book back to free posting if you wish.

While your guest book is set to require approval, you should set the GB to notify you of new posts. You can then log in and activate or delete posts at your convenience.
Directory Sign-in Moved to Navigation Bar
Sitemaker Directory now has sign in features on the main navigation bar that is found atop all directory pages. The former procedure of signing in from the brochure page of the listing has been removed.

This is part of our migration to a unified login for all user features. Watch SM News for more items describing these changes during Fall 2006.
New TOC Options
We're working on a new layout option: Horizontal Navigation Menus. Users will still be able to specify pages for inclusion in a top-of-page, one-line horizontal menu. Other layouts are under development. Another option will be the selection of pages for text links at the bottom of the layout. For sites with limited numbers of pages this frees up considerable space on the layout for text and graphics. Watch for an announcement soon.
New controls in guest books
We've added some functions to the guest book system. Now if you wish you can
•turn off the GB form while retaining the existing entries
•receive notification of new posts by email
•require activation of new posts by the editor

These changes help block garbage posts and give the editor greater control.

Speaking of garbage posts, the system now scans for embedded codes and will not allow posting of links along with a substantial list of "kill words" that include hate speech, promotions, etc. If your friends want to post congratulations on your new addiction to p*o*k*e*r or numerous similar words the post will not be accepted.
Retrieve your lost password
The lost password procedure has been changed. When you lose or misplace your password, the system will ask for your email and send you all the passwords associated with that email. This means that if you ever discontinue or abandon an email address you should immediately revise the address(es) associated with your Sitemaker account(s) to prevent unauthorized access. As always, security starts with you.
New blog and member options
Well here I am at 4 AM testing this blog.

We have some new controls. The author can now set additional defaults that govern how new posts appear. These include who may read a post, who may comment and the initial status.

In general, all posts are assumed to be public, and the initial status is Draft to allow the author to review the post before the world sees it.

Member settings are an especially powerful CIP Sitemaker© feature and are being extended throughout the system with a consistent interface that will allow site owners to delegate nearly any task and manage access to nearly all content.