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Test Drive: Work behind the scenes to modify your design
Take some new colors out for a spin! Test Drive lets you try out color schemes for your website - privately!

Test Drive makes no actual changes to your site's settings. While you're taking the test drive other visitors to your site will still see the current set of colors, so it's safe to test color schemes throughly before commiting to them.

When you click the Test Drive link a new window opens. Your website will load with the theme you've selected. Click any link, peruse your whole site, try it out! To end the test drive simply close the window.

How does Test Drive work?

Test Drive sets a cookie that overides your site's currently selected colors. Because the Test Drive cookie is only on your browser, you are the only one who sees the test colors.

Test Drive may not work correctly if you have encoded custom content in the Site Title section of your site.