Temple City Schools Golden Jubilee • 2004
Band Reunion Set for Oct. 16
band photo
Pride of TC - 2002. See adjacent article on all-year band reunion October 2004.
Band members are invited to join a reunion sponsored by musicians of the mid-1970s on Saturday Oct. 16, 2004. The prinicipal organizer is Beth Gillmer-Jones, TCHS '74.

The location is undecided. Depending on the number of participants, the venue may be changed, so re-visit this site or see www.tcusd50.org for updated information.


The Pride of Temple City is planning a reunion to be held in conjunction with the Temple City Unified School District’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, October 15-17, 2004.

The band / shield reunion Saturday, Oct. 16, is open to all former members.

We need your help to be sure all former band members know about the event. Please tell your friends, but more importantly, tell them to contact me, or send me contact info, as our mailing list includes only members from the 1971-1977 era.

Janice Murasko has graciously volunteered to assist in the site selection and meal planning. Currently, we are considering an Italian meal at the cost of about $10.00 per person.

As for the cruise, check out the reunion site. Hopefully many will come, and we can renew old friend-ships, reminisce, and if the mood strikes us, march a kazoo band around the promenade deck!

Please contact me at your earliest convenience and let me know of your interest and suggestions!

Beth Gillmer-Jones (’74)

1431 Bluestem Circle, Junction City, Kansas 66441
Email band.reunion@tcusd50.org or call
H: 785-762-6183 (evenings after 5:00 PM Central time, 2:00 PM Pacific
C: 785-209-1854
W: 785-238-2261