Temple City Schools Golden Jubilee • 2004
Cocktails and Camellias Deemed a Success

photo of musical group
Roger Lockie Trio in full swing.

photo of guests
Anniversary committee co-chairperson Linda Payne greets guests.
Gene Eggers reports:

(Sept 27 2004) Yesterday mid-afternoon (Sunday - Sept 26), was the "Cocktails & Camellias" event held at Roger Lockie's Arcadia home in his spacious tree-filled backyard.  (Obviously Roger's older home was built in the late Forties or early Fifties when such well-built homes were placed on deep extending residential lots).

As you may recall, Roger was a former Temple City High School music teacher who presently is enjoying the joy and benefits of retirement.  At age 70, Roger remains very active, and though I haven't seen him in over thirty years when as a youth attending TCHS, and even with natural occurring aging, looks much the same as I'd remembered him from the late 1960's.  The only noticeable difference is that Roger now sports all smooth skin where his once long, luxurious locks used to be. (NOTE: In the mid-sixties, many males in their teens up into their thirties had long or shouldered length hair back then).

The modest social event had approximately sixty people in attendance with alumni from different graduated years represented. The small crowd's laid-back friendliness and congeniality was refreshingly reminiscent of by-gone times when people would just get together to talk, share amusing friendly gossip, and socialize. 

Roger, with a few musical friends (dubbed "Roger Lockie Trio"), provided live soft background music for this amiable get-together where plenty of food and drink (was) shared by attendees.

Those who have ever personally been involved setting up similar social reception events, would fully appreciate the thought, time, and effort that went into planning and bringing about this particular special event.  Without a doubt, those TCHS alumni volunteers responsible for making the "Cocktails & Camellias" fund-raiser successful to help defray expenses for the up-coming "Temple City's Golden (50th Year) Jubilee" held next month in mid-October (Oct 15-17 ), deserve much thanks and kudos.

or, contact fellow TCHS alumnus, Linda Payne, at: Temple City Chamber of Commerce, 9050 Las Tunas Drive, Temple City, CA 91780-1834  //  Telephone:(626) 286-3101  //  FAX:(626) 286-2590  //  E-mail address: info - @ - templecitychamber.org 

Also, if you haven't done so already, go to the following Temple City High School's website to register your name, mailing address, e-mail address for the TCHS alumni directory:

In addition, do check the related webpage of known missing TCHS alumni at http://www.tchsalumni.org/article-10398.html.

If you happen to know the whereabouts of any listed alumnus MIA (Missing-In-Action), please notify your old school chum that our high school is looking for them.

Lastly, also feel free to pass on this timely "hometown" news and information to fellow TCHS alumni you know.

Take care

Gene  Eggers, TCHS Class of 1967

(Originally posted on a Yahoo news group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/templecityhighschool/. -Ed.)


(Ed. Note: Actual attendance was reported as 68, and the committee reported a small surplus. Friends, the cost of this event - in both time and money - is being borne by a small number of people. Please look at the Help Wanted page and find a way to participate.)