Temple City Schools Golden Jubilee • 2004
Kudos to 'Cocktails & Camellias' Gala Organizers
 Last Sunday, September 26, 2004, we held a fundraiser called "Cocktails & Camellias" As one who was with this project from conception to end, I would like to extend many thanks to all those that helped.

 A special thank you to Applebee's, Bella Itallia, Anthony's, Peppers, Sir Jax, Ye Loys, Demonicos, BJs, and Trader Joes for all the food donations.

Thanks go out to Melinda Manning, '83 for donating desserts and $100; Kathy Perini for securing wine; Marilyn (Wolfe) Woodward for securing tables and linens; the Roger Lockie Trio for donating their time and talent to provide music; Gayle Shaffer for donating posters and Easy Ups; Robyn Sharp for helping with phone calls for food donations, ice chests, and gift baskets; Flower Fantasy for the beautiful center pieces, and the many businesses who donated gift certificates, Ron Bermudez and Jerry Jambazian for taking photos, Rees Clark for hosting the website; Bob Sanderson for securing countless gift certificates and donating his vocal talents (yeah, Elvis!), Miss Temple City and her court for greeting people and selling tickets, and former performing arts instructor Roger Lockie and his mother for hosting the event at their home.

Thanks to those who picked up the food and or worked the gala:  Lynne Bretz, Marilyn (Wolfe) Woodruff, Gayle Shaffer, Janice Helmer, Melinda Manning, Robyn and Monique Sharp, and Roger Lockie.

Most inportantly, a very special thank you goes out to Linda (Wolfe) Payne, '67, who is responsible for the entire production. Linda owns Embelish Salon, is the president of the Temple City Chamber of Commerce, and the Chairperson of the TCUSD 50 Year Celebration.  None of this would be possible without her.

Kathy (Archer) Keithley '78