Alumni Sidekick
News, networks, fundraising... Community!
Fundraising Tools
Numerous fundraising tools are seamlessly integrated into the magazines, directories and other services. We have membership registration and signup, 'net access, web sites, and inline advertising (banner and display). Need to buy new uniforms? We can activate special-purpose donation links, so your booster and event-management groups can receive direct contributions.
This page lists only a few of the ways you can use your site(s) and magazine(s) to earn money for your organization. Please examine our sample business plan and consider how your alumni publishing effort can raise money for your organization.
Membership | Sponsorship
Set your own membership fees from zero to any amount you choose. You can decide whether to allow unpaid registrations; we'll customize the registration procedure. Fees (dues) can be automatically collected as part of the simple registration process. We support PayPal as our standard payment process. We can customize the procedure to accommodate other methods at reasonable cost; we cannot support all possible payment gateways.
Our comprehensive, structured, repeat giving program bundles all the options and gives members choices about how much they want to contribute. Member rewards are determined by the association. The default program has three levels of repeat giving, each with added privileges, and the association is free to add merchandise or services to the rewards. Other structures can be programmed to suit your associaation's needs.
This program is under development. Contact us to be part of the test group.
This program is under development. Contact us to be part of the test group.
Build a product catalog and sell memorabilia and theme merchandise associated with your school. We can set up a standard catalog and the necessary shopping cart. You just upload pictures and type product descriptions. You'll pay only a credit card collection fee and a per-transaction service fee. We charge a small fee for implementation, testing and training. You'll be responsible for handling the money, for accounting and for any taxes.
Reunion Support
In a typical year, between six and ten classes will hold reunions. You can be a huge help to reunion planners by maintaining a list that doesn't go out of date in five and ten year intervals. And for that service, you can ask a contribution from reunion planners. A typical reunion effort involves multiple mailings with attendant printing and list management. You can set up local procedures to handle locally unique details, but our directory system provides the core data, and it's self-maintaining, as alumni continually (with your reminders) log in and keep their contact data current. Why should your reunion committees be dependent on remote, often disinterested list managers when you're the ones who really care?
Fees? Donations? Contributions?
To paraphrase the Bard of Avon, "a donation by any other name would smell as sweet." We've mixed the terms fee, donation and contribution liberally in this site. Your accountant may want you to be more precise, but we don't have to. We're not accountants, and we make no representation about the taxability of your revenue or net proceeds. So there!