NETWORKING Within your own, private social network, each member can publish instant news, maintain a personal image gallery and participate in discussion groups. A confidential messaging tool lets members communicate privately within the site without revealing contact data. Personal data is confidential and is never sold to third-party advertisers by AMS.
NEWS Publish a blog or newsletter. Designate qualified members as authors.
GRAPHICS Photographs and other images are managed in a gallery system consisting of user-defined albums that can be nested and organized to suit your particular needs. A typical set of albums might include personal photographs from yearbooks. Others might be from events like reunions. All images are stored in a master catalog, allowing you to organize albums as you choose and use images in more than one place. Graphics may also be attached to blog posts and other design elements. Use abums to create stories and photo essays.
FAQ Organize frequently asked questions into one or mutiple FAQs. Group further by themes or topics. Use the default layout or stylize with CSS.
CONTROL Now you don't have to be trapped in a service mix provided by a generic, commercial alumni site whose real goal is to sell your private data to advertisers. Alumni Management Services℠ provides infrastructure, but you own the data. We offer links to other vendors, such as event managers, but unlike many of our competitors who manage lists of classmates we don't require you to use them, nor do we block access or restrict your use of your own information. We work for you!
CONFIDENCE Depend on our proven, robust platform, under continuous use and improvement since 1998. Most sites can be activated in a single business day; special features and graphical customization take longer.
EARN MONEY Use our built-in business directory and banner ad systems to link to services and products your members require. Optionally offer subscription membership upgrades (Paypal supported natively).
SAVE MONEY First, fire your webmaster! The technical stuff is all handled by AMS, leaving your team free to concentrate on content. Basic implementation is remarkably inexpensive, and monthly maintenance is only pennies per member. Custom design and troubleshooting assistance is just an email away. The automated system provides a permanent archive of your news, your pictures and your mailing list. It's impossible for the whole site to suddenly disappear or turn pink, unless you consciously cause it. And because it's professionally managed, you avoid the cost of restarting when your volunteer "HTML expert" gets bored or gets a better job far away. Is it "free?" No. Is it really cost-effective? You Bet!
FLEXIBLE DESIGN As owner-editor you have complete control over color, content, text and images. Some standard features have automatic layouts, while others let you design free-form pages.